Captain Sunhawk

Physical Description




shoulder length thick golden hair

Eye Color:


Skin Tone:



Muscular and athletic



Other Features:

He has many scars remnant of his hard fought battles. He also has a scar on the right side of his face.


a gold hawk necklace with amber eyes



Character Description


Captain of the mercenary band The Hawks


When he isn’t in battle mode he is attractive.


Normally he is an intelligent man, who is friendly and well liked by everyone yet has very few close friend. He is very guard about his personal life and lets very few people close to him. He has amazing organizational skills. He has a charisma about him that draws people to him. In battle he turns into a cold, cruel destructive man capable of anything.


Mild mannered, intelligent, introspective

Leader or Follower:

Natural born leader. He took command of the Hawks at twenty and most of the men agree to follow him despite his age. His men respect and some outright worship him.

Main Personality Trait:

He is very charismatic having the ability to make people trust him.

Special Powers:

He has amazing instincts that are legendary for keeping the Hawks out of extreme danger.


He is blunt at times and extremely jealous . He is very focused on his job to the exclusion of everything else. He is emotionally very fragile having almost completely closed himself off to deep relationships afraid of losing the people around him or hurting them.


He is completely loyal and honest. He is a powerful warrior that is almost undefeatable.



Traumatic Events:

The reason for him being alone at a young age. The death of Captain Daras, a man that was like a father to him. His brutal rape of his lover Shadow.


His past before his age of eleven is not open for discussion even to his lover Shadow. At the age of eleven he joined the Fist, a mercenary band lead by Captain Daras. He rose quickly in the ranks to become Daras’s second by the age of eighteen. On his twentieth birthday Captain Daras was killed in battle and Sunhawk assumed the command of the Fist. Some of the older men broke off of the group leaving over two-thirds of the force behind that renamed themselves The Hawks. Within a year The Hawks were guild certified and within three winter camp for the Hawks was established at the town of Wintermoon.

 At the age of thirty-two in the campaign of Suncity, Sunhawk was forced to rescue a young priest. His act of compassion would become a focal point of great change for the Captain.


Bisexual with a preference for women

Romantic Relationship:

Shadow is the only person Sunhawk has ever romantically loved. The relationship has been filled with trials and much pain but it has also been a source of great joy for the man as well.

Best Time in Life:

The first winter he spent with his lover Shadow.

Worst Time in Life:

His childhood

Interesting Facts:

He loves long hair. He has almost a split personality. When he goes into a battle he losses a part of his humanity and becomes a cold killing machine capable of doing whatever to get the job done. Rape and death become nothing to him.


He hates magic and he is afraid of having someone he cares deeply about die.

Image done by Destinyfall

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