Tir Levis

Physical Description



Hair Color:

shoulder length wavy chestnut hair

Eye Color:


Skin Tone:



thin lithe



Other Features:



intertwining dragon emblem with an emerald in the center


Green and white

Character Description


former harem boy/ maquis of Highlands


He has managed to captive the King, Crown Prince, and Baron of the Kingdom of Terma.


Intelligent and highly curious. He loves to study and learn new things. He likes change and adapts to his situation with easy. He is a very sexual individual that has found a passion for submission.


Introspective and curious he is always turning over his problems in his head.

Leader or Follower:

 Follower, he doen't want to have anything to do with leading people, but has found himself in situations where he has to.

Main Personality Trait:

His curiosity.

Special Powers:

 He has bonded to two different dragons something that has never been done before. He has the potential to become one of the strongest mages of his generation. .


His curiosity that often times gets him into trouble.


His ability to adapt to the changes in his life. His sensuality combined with an innocence that most find very attractive.


His mother is dead along with all of his maternal grandparents. He has two twin brothers Ash and Elgin, and a step father Quenten. His birth father, Tristan, is now King of the kingdom of Recura.

Traumatic Events:

The death of his mother and his enslavement.


Tir was born in Recura to his mother, Kasarah a minor noble of the Kingdom. His legal father was a merchant who agreed to marry his mother despite the fact she was pregnant with the bastard child of the prince of Recura. Tir had very happy childhood with his mother in constant attendance over him. His father was polite yet distant, but he was well cared for. His birth father kept in contact with his mother to inquire about his health often.

He became a brother at the age of seven when his twin brothers Ash and Elgin were born. His mother died in his sixteenth year and soon after he was sold by his step-father to pay gambling debt that had accrued. He was taken from Recura and eventually ended up sold to the palace harem in Terma. There he would me a winged creature that would change his life forever and make his dreams come true..

Sexual Orientation:

Homosexual with a fear of women sexually

Romantic Relationship:

Tir has never been in love before and is struggling with the complex emotions both Drake and Marek have stirred in him. He has only recently began to acknowledge his feeling as true love.

Best Time in Life:

When he met Ebony

Worst Time in Life:

When his mother dies

Interesting Facts:

He wanted to become a scholar when he was young


Women that pursue him. The punishment room.

Image done by Destinyfall
Poetry done by caidanu

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